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Barnet Walking Football Team, The Hive

Sessions every Thursday & Friday at the home of Barnet Football Club. Barnet FC, The Hive, Camrose Avenue, London, United Kingdom, HA8 6AG
Call us anytime 07870 205940
Year Founded:2015 Session Type:Just Turn Up Playing Level:Mixed Game Format:6 v 6 Pitch Type:Outdoor (3G) Age Limit:50+ Plays in Competitions:Yes Plays in Festivals:Yes Available for Friendlies:Yes

Twice weekly walking football in Harrow

End your week with a workout and join Barnet Walking Football Team for hour-long sessions every Tuesday evening and Friday afternoon.

Set within the friendly environment of a football league ground, these well-established sessions take place on outdoor 3G pitches at The Hive – the modern fitness facility of Barnet Football Club.

Enjoy mixed ability six-a-side games with men and women of all ages and abilities. Barnet WFT sessions do not follow any particular set of rules but instead adopt a common sense approach to matches.

Post-game coffees usually involve putting the world of football to rights and the team also competes in friendly and competitive games with other clubs, which can sometimes mean weekend breaks away.

New players are invited to just turn up to a session at The Hive to get involved.

Supported by Barnet Football Club
Delivered by The Hive Trust
County FA Middlesex FA
Frequency Weekly
Days Tuesday & Friday
Tue time 19:30 – 20:30
Fri time 14:00 – 15:00
Cost per session £4.50
Other costs
Kit Colours Black & orange shirts, black shorts, orange socks
Session rules FA Laws of Walking Football

Contact Barnet Walking Football

Thinking of attending a Barnet Walking Football Team session? There’s no need to call ahead, however if you have questions or would like to arrange a friendly game, please contact Shaun Sherrick using the details below.

Lead contact Shaun Sherrick
Number 07870 205940
County FA page
Non-Competitive Non-Contact Mixed Genders Size 4 Ball Unlimited Touches Below Head Height Kick-Ins

Barnet FC, The Hive, Camrose Avenue, London, United Kingdom, HA8 6AG

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