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Linton Recreation Ground Walking Football

Weekly walking football sessions in the village of Linton, Cambridgeshire. Linton Recreation Ground, Meadow Lane, Cambridgeshire, CB21 4HX
Year Founded:2016 Session Type:Just Turn Up Playing Level:Beginner Game Format:5 v 5 Pitch Type:Outdoor (Grass) Age Limit:50+ Plays in Competitions:No Plays in Festivals:No Available for Friendlies:Yes

Linton walking football in Cambridgeshire

Please note that we have been unable to verify the seasonality of Linton walking football sessions and recommend that you attempt to speak to the session organiser, Robin Williams, before attending.

We have included contact details below and reached out for clarification. Players may use the car park at Linton Village College and are asked to report to the Pavilion upon arrival.

Supported by
Delivered byLinton Walking Football
County FACambridgeshire FA
Session start19:00
Session end20:30
Cost per session£2 per person
Other costs
Session rulesOwn rules

Contact Linton Walking Football

Lead contactRobin Williams
Non-Competitive Non-Contact Mixed Genders Below Head Height

Linton Recreation Ground, Meadow Lane, Cambridgeshire, CB21 4HX

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